SmartTrack X3

The heat treated rotary files SmartTrackTM X3 are extremely durable and flexible. This model is suitable for Protaper users who look for increased safety and ease of work provided by the controlled memory technology. They can be pre-bent to access curved canals without the risk of breakage. The SmartTrack X3 rotary files are the best choice for ...

The heat treated rotary files SmartTrackTM X3 are extremely durable and flexible. This model is suitable for Protaper users who look for increased safety and ease of work provided by the controlled memory technology. They can be pre-bent to access curved canals without the risk of breakage. The SmartTrack X3 rotary files are the best choice for your endodontic practice since they have the safe unwinding mechanism to prevent from sudden breakage of the file.

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  • The Ni-Ti SmartTrackTM files are heat treated using an innovative technology. This allows the files to be pre-bent before root canal treatment. This can facilitate access to difficult and highly-curved root canals. After sterilisation at 135° C they will restore their spirals to their original shape. File length of 25mm.

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